Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Babylon Calling

 5 min. read 

Part 5 in the Challenges series

(2 Timothy 4:3-4)

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

As we progress through this series of study on the challenges facing Christianity, during what many believe to be the end times, we will continue building on the root causes of the end time Apostate church. It is mainly characterized -- as we have seen previously -- by a gradual "falling away" from the fundamentals of the faith. With that departure, we not only see congregations diminishing, but the wholesale movement away from sound Bible doctrine. 

When Babylon is mentioned in the Bible it is not always referring to that ancient city that once stood along the Euphrates River in southern Mesopotamia. In scripture it is often used symbolically as a reference to the Gentile world-system into which the whole social order of the world has fallen. Also, it bears mentioning, that Babylon is the Greek form of the O.T. Hebrew word "Babel": which translated is simply confusion. The Bible gives us an accurate account of the origin of Babel (confusion) in Genesis 11:1-9.

Progressing through the Bible to the book of The Revelation, we see Babylon representing the political and ecclesiastical system which dominates the entire end time scene. In that book, prophecy shows us that Political Babylon (Gentile world-system) will destroy Religious Babylon (Apostate Church). 

Without getting too far off track, we see the push under way -- and gaining traction -- for a New World Order. This political system which is being built is moving forward under the "global" banner. Global would have likely been a word that was chosen by those who were busy "building" in Genesis 11. The UN has been busy building their global framework. It is in place, and we see more American politicians jumping on that train everyday to Political Babylon. 

Meanwhile, getting back to the first part of the above quoted verse, let's concentrate on the period of time Paul is addressing. This passage of scripture is teaching that sometime future from the period that he was writing in, there will be a "religious" people who will not "endure" sound doctrine.

In Part two of this series we quoted Arthur L. Johnson's, "Faith Misguided : Exposing the Dangers of Mysticism" as saying, 

"If we were seeking an appropriate label to describe the religious scene in the last three decades of the twentieth century, we would do well to consider it the age of confusion. There are many different religions in the Western world, each seeking adherents. They range from traditional Christian groups to oriental religions, from spiritist and occult movements to more traditional Western cults." 

The primary emphasis in Johnson's book is not the negative impact that Mysticism is having on the Religions of the world, but on the "evangelical" community as a whole. That community of believers that supposedly have a "commonality" of beliefs. He continues:

"One wishes he could say that this same confusion did not exist in the evangelical community. After all, do not evangelicals agree that the Bible is the authority in doctrinal matters? Surely here we can find agreement and avoid the confusion that permeates the larger religious world around us. We could hope that such confusion would not exist, but unfortunately it does. Here also it seems that “every man [says] that which seems right in his own eyes”. (Judg. 21:25b, paraphrased).

Next up, we will begin delving deeper into "Mysticism". We will begin seeing how it is making subtle advances into the theology of our modern churches. We will also begin exploring how this philosophy is being used to create the "woke" culture which will eventually become Religious Babylon. 

Let me close the same way the Apostle Paul does in his Epistle to the Romans. 

"To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen."  

My dear friend, if you have never received Christ as your Saviour, would you do so today? Pray this from your heart. 

Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe you died on the cross for my sins. I believe you were buried and rose again the third day. I ask you now to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and save me. Amen 

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